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Basic Training
Aaron: no harm done to your growth if you use creatine.
At your age anyway supplements don't do much good if your general eating and
training isn't good. So do as Jonathan T said.
bob: tendon injuries come from wrong training and insufficient rest usually.
Creatine itself doesn't have nothing to with injuries.
Mr. Cairpo is correct in avoiding bulking up. Of course, logically it's more
difficult to carry let's say 90kilos than 80kilos on the wall...BUT: weight
training doesn't bulk you up if you do it the specific right way. Instead
you get lots of useful strength and power. Bodybuilding and power and
strength training are very different from each other.
Don't get me wrong. Climbing is THE THING. The discussion was about the
usefulness of creatine in climbing training. My opinion is that most can be
learned through climbing only.
On the other hand certain aspects such as general strength and power can be
developed very efficiently through weight training and of course combined
with climbing. AND: creatine does help in getting more kilos up, so why not
use it or at least try. There's no use to talk about it if you haven't tried
it. A rumor differs from personal experience...
As said before, it does increase your weight by retenting water. But that
excess goes away, when you stop taking it but the most if not all of the
strength stays.
At my age and background I don't have to gather street credibility on the
subject of training so I'm just presenting facts.
It is true that there is some data to suggest that creatine forces the body
into a more anabolic state where protein synthesis can occur. But creatine's
main benefit is increasing a muscle's ATP content- perfect for boulders. I
have found that creatine is best not loaded for climbing and only a
maintenance dose is taken as volumisation of the muscle cells is not
desirable due to excess water weight (note volumisation will still occur,
especially after 4wks apex when retained levels can reach the same as if you
had loaded- therefore cycling its use may be a good idea). Some believe that
this drawing in of water to the cells has an effect on ATP levels though
this has not yet been proven. Preliminary research may suggest that creatine
has benefits for endurance climbing as it can help buffer lactic acid built
up in the muscles (again more research needs to be done).
Creatine tips:
Use a maintenance dose
Divide your doses up - your body can only process so much
I recommend two 2 gram doses (one straight after training to replenish ATP
Avoid cheap creatine- most is sourced from China (naff) go for the good
German stuff
Don't shell out loads of money on creatine mixed with a 'high tech'
transport system it just aint worth it unless you're a bodybuilder looking
cell volumisation or a 'creatine hard gainer'. Instead go for pure
monohydrate powder and mix it with glucose powder, lucozade,
malt dextrin or fruit juice.
Don't mix creatine with a cold fluid as this will cause it to crystallize,
meaning you'd be drinking waste product creatine doh. Go for room temp.
Drink lots of water - this helps flush waste product creatine from your
system - protecting your kidneys and liver. It is also necessary to make up
for the water absorbed by your muscle cells - creatine does not cause
cramping, this is caused by dehydration. If you drink too much though you
flush electrolytes out of your system and still cramp doh.
you take creatine when you eat meat and fish that has high doses in so you
are a girl with no hart as well. it is naturally occurring in the body. it
is what gives you energy to climb. you don't even know what it is you think
its illegal drugs like steroids and its cheating. well it is just like
taking protein powders and don't say that's cheating because you would be
dead if you didn't have protein or creatine. you take extra protein on by
eating more meat so why not avoid the fat and take some of it in powder
creatmaximus do you even know what your talking about?, or are you speaking
out your arse? I think you are, yes its natural but your a pussy go and
train properly and you'll know that by taking it, it doesn't do anything! I
don't know why this discussion has gone on for so long its like your looking
for an easy way to train, there's no easy way to train you just have to put
in the yards and rest, the better you train the stronger you'll climb and no
powder will do it for you and no for climbing it doesn't make you go harder
read the training books and do some study if you have to but it doesn't!!!!!
get training chump.
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