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That mutilation report is very interesting, especially about the wind. I don't have any mutilation cases like that, but I did have a case in northeastern Brazil in which a farmhand was subjected to a tornado-like wind that he felt was trying to pull
him upward, soon after he saw a box-like UFO.

It took place about eleven o'clock one night in March 1991 as Jorge Fernando Sousa, forty-two, was guarding a field of tall grass to keep animals from eating it. The field is on the edge of Lake Apodi and next to the town of Apodi in western Rio Grande do Norte.

"I was sort of nodding off when I noticed this wind whirling around me," Jorge said when we visited Apodi six months after this hap­pened. "It was like a tornado and it was pulling on me. I was sitting down and it was trying to take me away. I began crawling and crouching, hanging onto the grass with both hands,
trying not to be pulled up and trying to get away. I felt like I was flying but my feet never left the ground."

The grass was swirling, and dirt and debris were blowing around him. Curiously, the wind was both hot and cold.

"I was surprised by the heat," Jorge said. "It was a cold wind but I felt hot, and it made no noise. I think it was something very modern because it didn't make any noise."

Then he got an even bigger surprise as the area around him suddenly lit up. "I looked up and saw this big ball of light, sort of bluish-white like a fluorescent light."

The light was round and in the center of a square object thirty to forty meters above him. When the light turned on, the wind ceased and he no longer felt himself being pulled upward.

"The light reminded me of the cab of a big truck," Jorge said. "It was four to five meters wide and round like a drum. The light that came from the center part was brighter than the light around it. There was a noise like a cross between bees and a refrig­era­tor, but very quiet, a humming sound. I was very scared. I thought the light was going to take me away, and I started running."

He was four hundred meters away from his home on the edge of town and he ran all the way with the light following right behind him.

"The light was chasing me and when I got to my street it went away, rapidly. I've never been so afraid in my life."

When this incident began, Jorge had no light with him and he wasn't smoking. The UFO spotted him in the dark and created a cold "wind" that felt hot to him and pulled on him as he tried to get away from it. The incident lasted perhaps ten min­utes, and for much of that time Jorge was fighting the "wind."

His eyes hurt for half an hour but he had no other aftereffects. It was nearly a month before he dared go back out at night again. I talked to him again in July 1993 and although he was still wary, he regularly goes to his field at night.

And a new page on my web site ("UFOs Are Still Haunting the Valley of the Old Women" – the valley is in central Brazil) has this incident with some similarities.

A more spectacular case occurred many years later in the village 0of Bau, twenty-two kilometers north of Sao Vicente. The witnesses were three other children and their story came to us from Mercia Rodrigues, the math teacher and urologist who lives in Sao Vicente.

"This happened on a moonlit night in January 1988," Mercia said. "The children involved were Adriana Goulart, eight, and her bothers, Djalma, twelve, and Claudio, ten. I heard the story some months later when Adriana came to live with me and worked as a babysitter.

"The night this happened, these children had to walk across the countryside to a place about six kilometers away. When they were walking through a pasture, a light appeared in the sky. Everything lit up. It was a very intense light of many colors. They were frightened. There was no place to hide, no trees or anything, but a cow was standing nearby and the three of them ran underneath the cow. It was frightened too and the light came very close. The children clung to each other and stayed hidden under the cow as the light kept going around and around in a
circle above them. The cow was in a state of shock and she just stood there the whole time, not moving.

"The children felt a lot of heat from the UFO and Adriana said the wind was so strong as the light circled around that the grass was blown sideways."

Mercia said this went on for several hours before the light disappeared. "They were there the whole time until it got light. There wasn’t anybody around, nobody there, just them and the cow."

If I hear of anything else, I’ll pass it on. It looks like the cattle mutilations in Argentina are finally over, or the press are no longer interested in this subject.
Taking advantage of this, some Urologist are investigating with more freedom. We received a report from a UFO group that, for the reasons explained before, wish to remain anonymous. This UFO group is working in co-operation with some authorities, private corporations, as well with local veterinarians ( we keep the
names on file).

They asked me to distribute these new data, to find out if someone had documented the same fact or statistics, outside Argentina, to compare it.

1) One of their associates, an electrical engineer in charge of high voltage lines maintenance, working with a power line map of Argentina and neighboring Uruguay, found out that almost all cattle mutilations occur in a 20 kilometer radius of the power lines (132 KW). He would like to know if there is a similar
study being done in another country to compare it with.

2) They had interviewed three separate eyewitnesses of mutilations, in three separate locations, with the same experiences. One of them is a ranch foreman and the others are farm laborer or "gauchos", similar to "cowboys" in North
America. They, like many others, quit their jobs in panic the day after their experiences.

One of them observed, around 19:30 hours, on a clear and calm day, how suddenly a strong wind formed a whirlwind. It did not hit the ground. The animals became nervous. He saw, a year and a half old cow, start trembling in its hind-legs. Later, it fell to the ground with no movement. The whirlwind ended and when he approached the cow it was mutilated. He hide behind a tree some 50
meters when the whirlwind mutilated the cow. The next day he quit his job in panic.

Another witness said the cow was dropped dead and mutilated by the whirlwind.
They did not experience temperature changes, cold or hot, before, during or after the whirlwind.

The other witness didn’t see his cow when the whirlwind hit it. But heard its moo in the air. Later, it was found dead and mutilated on an adjoining ranch. In this case, he said the sky was also clear and the temperature around the 18 Centigrade.

In one of the cases, a three meters circle marked the ground where the cow was mutilated and found. Inside the circle the grass was dry, a different color than the rest.

At this moment, they are trying to locate others farm-laborers who quit their jobs after witnessing mutilations, and local press publicity could jeopardize their investigation since most, if not all, "gauchos" evade it.

If you have any correlating information to share, let me know and I will translate it for them.



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